About Ohio Sights

Ohio Sights is an idea I have to find  interesting subjects to photograph in each of Ohio's 88 counties. I am an amateur photographer and this is a challenge I created to increase my enjoyment of Ohio's resources, further my knowledge of web development,  and to further my development as a serious amateur photographer.

This project started on February 14th, 2004.  Ohio's diverse farming and industrial areas provide what I feel to be a sleeper of a photographic opportunity. I've searched the web for something similar, but facts and figures seem to the mainstay of the Internet searches for Ohio photos. I want to provide something more.

My goal is to keep the sight  simple and to complete the project in less than 2 years. That sounds like a long time, but think of the resources needed to complete this in less than that. I am going to concentrate on 1 county for every day I have open and work on them in alphabetical order. I'm doing this to increase the random situations that I hope encounter.

All photographs are copyright of Mark Spearman and you need to contact me at mspearman@adelphia.net if you would like to use them for anything other than personal use. If you would like to purchase high quality Ohio Sights photos, go to dotPhoto, click on "All Albums" and you will see most of the pictures on this site for sale. 

My other web sites include Mark Spearman's Amateur Photography and Mark Spearman's Homepage.

Mark Spearman - Webmaster