Mark Spearman's Amateur Photography

Current Favorite Photos

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About Mark Spearman's Amateur Photography

This site is dedicated to my favorite hobby. I am including my favorite shots and a running log of my photos.

I recently decided to get serious with photography. It is a good outlet for creativity and I can combine it with all of my other interests. I do it as cheap as I can using an old Minolta X-370 35mm, Minolta Dimage Z1 and a Fuji MX-1200 1.3 mega pixel digital camera. When I started this hobby I read that the equipment isn't as important as the person behind it. I'm slowly learning that is true.

As long as I get a good shot every once in a while, it's all worth it. Those good shots are starting to come more frequently as I study all that I can find on the Internet.

If you see a picture you like feel free to use it for personal use. If you would like it for any other use, e-mail me and we'll discuss the matter. I am starting to offer prints by using the service, but it is to new for me to comment on as of yet. If you are interested in print, but do not want to use dotphoto contact me.

I am currently trying to develop some good content, so bookmark the site and check back frequently.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to e-mail me with any comments or suggestions.

Mark Spearman taking pictures with his Minolta X-370.
