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11 Sep 2004

Had to work late and missed most of the Light The Night Car Show in Newark, Ohio. The light was pretty bad so I had to make due. The thing I hate most about a car show is that the crowded conditions always make for a bad photographic composition. I got lucky while taking a picture of my nephews Camaro though and the crowd made a nice soft blur in the low light. The camera was on auto, but the shot came through nice. Here's  link to the photo - Dustin Harvey's 2000 Camaro.

09 Sep 2004

I had to make the time to get some photos and I came up with one that I am proud of. I came upon a tractor in a beautiful sunset. Brown County is next in the lineup of counties and I hope to post it for you soon. Here is the tractor photo -

Tractor At Sunset

19 Aug 2004

I made the trip to Belmont County, Ohio. It was a very interesting place and more time would have done it justice. The river towns were the most interesting and I would like to return to learn and photograph more. I am keeping note of the places I want to return so that when this project is over I'll have a good memory of where to get more detailed photographs of the best places.

The industry in this area is ghost like. You can tell that at one time it was there. The population is still there, but the factories are out of commission or split into small companies. 

Bellaire, Ohio was an old town with an old stone arched railroad bridge intersecting the town. I would like to see the arches at night. I never have seen such a work in Ohio. You would think that since it is basically abandoned, it would be torn down.

The steep winding hills of the area made for a fun drive. This would be a great spot for a motorcycle ride also.

I tried to capture the feeling of the area with the old building and rural landscapes. I also experimented with some newfound knowledge about white balance. I was looking for a way to brighten up the pictures on overcast days and I'm getting close. The pictures of the damn shows what a better f-stop can do for you. I am learning that for good photos, you have to get that camera off of auto and use the viewfinder more, preferably the eyepiece viewfinder.

To view the Belmont County, Ohio photos, click here. 

04 Aug 2004

It's been a while since I've written in here, but there's good reason for it. I have put more effort into more content and improving my sights.  

I started looking into MySQL and PHP to create a better online album. It is really impressive stuff and it fits my budget, free!

I had problems dealing with haze on hot summer days. I've been looking for good solutions, but so far all I have learned is to be creative with it. I took this picture and realized that with a little more care, I could have had a great one. The haze and underexposed hay hurt it. I could have used fill flash on the hay and focused a bit more on the bridge to have a great photo.

Athens County was a rough day. After dealing with the heat and haze, it rained. It is close enough that I can do it again soon though. 

Auglaize County went better, but similar problems. The old German crafted buildings really were interesting and I wished I had more time to photograph them. Outside of town was a different story. I'm used to corn, but their corn fields go on for miles! I kept trying to think of something interesting to do with this abundance, but nothing worked well. 

I have went out a few evenings, but I keep forgetting the tripod and it really shows in the results. The Dimage Z1 and many other digitals, just don't do well without it. I think they're more sensitive than their settings show at low light. The tripod I have is a junker and I want a good one. I've read that if they're under $150, don't bother. Just riding in the car vibrates the screws loose on the "heavy duty" cheapo I have now. Another advantage to the tripod is the professional factor it has. A long lens will do the same thing, when folks see the equipment, they think that you are a pro and they seem to allow you a bit more space. 

I am documenting the new web page development in an effort to help others. I will post it soon.

14 Jul 2004

I took vacation and spent a day of it in Ashtabula County, Ohio. One more county added to the project.  

I arrived at Lake Erie in time to get pictures of the sunset at Geneva State Park on the beach. I had time to kill so I tried a few new things like adding a lifeguard chair to a sunset. I noticed that the evening light really looked good on the sand and rocks also. The sunset was just average. I will plan to be at the other lake counties at a time for the sunset.

I decided to save a few bucks and sleep across the seat of my pickup at the truck stop. I'm getting older because that just doesn't work as well as it used to. I got an early start for the 14 covered bridges I spotted on the map. As you can see from the pictures, I got them all. 

The problem with trying to get so many subjects in a day is that there is no time to wait for the perfect light. I didn't take much time with metering of the camera. The results turned out a little better than I'd hoped, but that will be the last time I rush it. More time and patience = better pictures. I later found out that there are 16 covered bridges so, I can't say that I got them all anyhow. I do know which of those 14 are the best to return to though.

Covered bridges can be a real challenge. Most are surrounded by private property with well marked "No Trespassing" signs. One owner even went as far as to let their not so friendly looking mutt out as soon as they seen me. He walked on past me, but it was unnerving as I'm sure it was intended to be. The surroundings can be less than ideal also. Heavy foliage surrounds them and the roofs always cast a shadow. Interior shots are the most challenging. I wanted to get them for the enthusiasts that like to see the different constructions methods, but when I got them on the computer, I realized what great macro type shots I missed with the long curved support beams. The biggest challenge is you have a dark interior with a bright light at each end. I will be looking for a solution to this problem. The only solution I currently have in mind is to wait for a darker natural light.

This county really hit on what I started this project for, numerous situations in different random environments. The only thing I would do differently is more research to limit the number of sights I go after. I am happy that the quality of the photos meet or exceed any other ones that I've found of the bridges that are already on the net.

I am currently searching for information about making a poster of all the bridges. I need to find out how to size them all to fit without losing image quality.

The next county is Athens. It's closer to my home, so I should get it done soon. I've got a few good ideas in mind, so check back in soon!

You may notice the links to buy my photos. This was a hard decision. I do not want to come across as pretentious, but many folks have told me I should sell my photos. DotPhoto is a reasonable outlet for them. It's actually more cost effective than printing them myself. I am also copyrighting the photos now to protect my work. I'm also considering some work for Cafe Press.  If you've had an experience with these companies please tell me about them.

29 Jun 2004

The 2004 WACO Meet at Wynkoop Airport in Mount Vernon, Ohio was a good place for photos. I needed more time for better lighting but did what I could with the time I had. This was the first time for me with Airplanes. They're a little easier that cars at a show because they are more spaced out. 

I got a few folks in the pictures, but they don't overpower the picture like they do in a a car shot. I like them in there to show the size of the plane and give the picture a bit more character. 

I tried a few shots of them flying and my small digital lens just was not up to that challenge. Sighting them in was very difficult and the correct zoom was even harder. This was a first also. I am going to practice against some fast moving objects like cars on a highway to get this right.

Enough talk. The photos are here.

12 May 2004

I made it to a car show in Mount Vernon, Ohio on May 8, 2004. If you have ever tried to photograph a car show, you know how tough it is. There's plenty of subjects, but the backgrounds are always bad and folks are going to get in the way. I expect it. The cars are there to show, it's not a photo session. 

I read that the trick is to get close-ups, so I gave it a try. I didn't do great, but I did enough to get a few ideas for the next time. You need real close shots and the subject needs to be framed. Mine didn't make the cut, but they're good enough for here.

Light is a real problem too. I need to get the ring to accept filters on the Dimage Z1. I want to see what a polarizer would have done in the high reflections. 

Still no progress on my Ohio Sights project. We're all suffering the high gas prices so it's a choice to save for the filter ring and wide angle or take the trips.


57 Ford Retractable - one of my favorite cars


57 Thunderbird


25 Apr 2004

It was a weekend of a few first for me in photography. The first was some macro type photography at Dawes Arboretum near Newark, Ohio. With the Spring flowers starting to pop up all over I couldn't resist trying out the macro feature on the Minolta Dimage Z1. Click here to see the nature gallery that shows these shots.

Another first was a portrait in a bar. There's something any photographer should know about a camera in a bar. They are feared more than guns there. I was at a bar with only 1 customer besides myself at 3:00 pm on a Saturday. I thought, this would be a great time to take some shots here. Bars have tons of interesting things to try out. This turned out to freak the other customer out completely. He was worried about getting fired if a picture of him in a bar came about. 

I never thought of how many people are in a bar that would swear they weren't. Even after I promised him that he would not be in any pictures he still went on and on about how terrible it was I did that. I took a few shots anyhow and the picture of my friend, the bartender, came out pretty good. You can view them here.  

The last stop of the weekend was Shawnee, Ohio. It was pouring rain, but I took the photos anyhow. Shawnee is an inhabited town, but the downtown has been virtually abandoned. The signs still hang and the shops even have some old wares in them. I would guess this town to be abandoned sometime in the 50's by the looks of the signs. I added the photos to the Perry County section of


20 Apr 2004

I made it out this weekend for a few shots. A stop at the Easyriders Custom Motorshop, trip to the gravel pit, and sunset at the graveyard made for some interesting shots.

15 Apr 2004

Spring weather is here and still not enough time to take photos. I did get some Easter pictures that everybody likes. I need to take some more pictures of people,  especially the little ones. I'm getting a little better about it with the digital camera. 

I need to get my next county on the list done for the site. The next one is Ashtabula County. It's a long trip up there, so I'm probably going to take a vacation day to get it done. I'm looking forward to it because it's loaded with covered bridges and they have the Lake Erie shore facing west. I'm hoping for a good sunset picture on the lake.

I'll try to find some pictures in some of the chores that need done until I get around to the county photos. I need to paint the house and do some work on the cars. I got some ideas for those activities already.


6 Apr 2004

Finally a break in the weather with nothing else to do. I got out to Dawes Arboretum to take some pictures in the late evening just as the clouds rolled in, again. A whole day of sunshine and as soon as I get the chance to shoot it turns bad. I got a few shots off. The only one I really liked was the crabapple blossom.

I've been looking at photo sites trying to figure out what people like the most. Most of the new photo sites show the number of views and allow for critiques. From what I've been seeing, people like shots of other people or very interesting subject matter with extreme detail. Anything out of the ordinary always has high views also. I'm going to try and keep this in mind as a shoot more pictures.

I don't really understand composition yet. I think that when people say a photographer has a natural eye, they mean they get the composition right. Lines lead to a subject, things are arranged in an interesting way, and that there is a sense of purpose to the picture. I'm going to need a book for this one. I haven't found much on the Internet about composition yet.


28 Mar 2004

It's been a month since I bought my Minolta and I have enjoyed it. Learning it's capabilities has been rewarding. There is always plenty to learn. I added a 256mg card to it. I can take about 200 photos with the cards I have. One charge of batteries allows for around 200. It is quite a bit, but if you consider bracketing shots and mistakes, you can use them up quickly.

I added 2 counties to the list, Allen and Ashland. It was a challenge to get them done. Money and time are the biggest problems with my Ohio Sights project. To do see most of a county in a day and find interesting subject matter is difficult. 3 down, 85 to go.

I have tried for subjects that are photographic to start with until I am more used to the camera. Covered bridges always work well. My first try at night shots was a great success and I plan to do more now that the weather is breaking some.

One area I need to work on is shyness with the camera. It's hard to get up the nerve to ask people to take their photos. I have seen a few characters already with my project that would have made great photos, but didn't want to bother them. I'm thinking about a simple business card with my name and website information to hand them.


29 Feb 2004

I decided to get a digital camera, it's a Minolta Z1 Dimage. It's not the greatest camera out there, but for the money, it will do. I was fed up with the poor quality of the 35mm developers in the area and I decided I wanted control and I didn't want to pay for poor service and quality.

I quickly scanned the manual and went out to give it a try. Night was a bad idea for the first time out. Click on the link about to see how they turned out.


21 Feb 2004

The 35mm Old Man's Cave pictures were a real disappointment. The photo store that I used to take them to was delighted to tell me that they process 35mm to CD right at their store now. This meant that they are new and did not do a good job. The lady got a bit nasty when I told her they were bad. They said they would redo them, but I'm not going back. It's a shame I have to go to another town, but I'm going to try a place in Zanesville that I hear does decent work. I could use some of the places on the web, but I don't trust my luck that they'll do it without losing the film.

I started my first county, Adams County. You can see the pictures at Ohio Sights - Adams County. You could really spend some time exploring Adams County. I ended up getting lost in the twisting and winding country roads, so I got a few shots of Scioto County too.

I can tell from my first outing with this project that it will take a while. It's harder than you would think to drive half-way across the state and find something interesting enough to photograph. Adams county is so remote that you really cannot find much information about it on the Interenet. There wasn't much planning that took place. My only plan was Serpent Mound, and it was closed.


15 Feb 2004

No pictures yet, still waiting on the 35mm to come back. I've got my fingers crossed for them.

I've come up with an idea that I'm going to pursue. I want to visit all 88 counties and try to find something to photograph in each one. It will be a large undertaking to say the least, but a big project like this is what I'm after right now. I've got enough right now for a start on Licking, Hocking and Knox county and I've registered the domain of

I've had big ideas like this that never panned out before, but they always involved the participation of other people. I'll be on my own with this one.


13 Feb 2004

I have been spending time working on some new web skills. I'm looking for a way to more quickly add photos while getting a better presentation. I may look in to PHP and MySql.


8 Feb 2004 Gallery - Hocking Hills

I went to the Hocking Hills area twice this weekend. Busted my tail a few times to get these pictures. All of these are from the digital. I can't wait to see the 35mm developed.


5 Feb 2004 Gallery

I drove by the Newark, Oh VFW and decided to shoot their monument. The flame really made it interesting. I know that this one is going to take a few tries to get right, but it has good potential. The gallery has a couple of digital shots I took.


4 Feb 2004 Gallery

I found this web site a while back called . The idea is pretty basic, get a $200 super wide angle low light Russian made lens and just shoot everything you see. Some of the photos turn out really good. This falls under the "give a monkey a camera" theory, that says even a monkey could take some good pictures given enough shots.

I don't like the idea of just shooting everything or spending $200, but I do like the idea of shots that come out good when you least expect it. I am going to tame this idea down a bit and use my Fuji MX-1200 for the same type of purpose. I can take it with me everywhere and try some of the Lomo ideas with the expense or the waste of film and developing costs. It has the same low quality wide angle look, just not the low light capabilities.

This gallery has some of the images that I came up with. They're not really that good but they give me ideas to go back to and take my time on with a good camera.


29 Jan 2004 Gallery

I received 3 rolls of film and very few good pictures came out of any of them. I used a cheap department store for developing and it really shows. To top that off, all of my shots seem hurried (it has been cold !) and not up to my usual quality.

I guess these are the "learning" shots that the pros talk about. I decided to post a few even if I'm not happy with them. I have motivation to work harder next time,  I've learned a few lessons about snow, and I've learned to keep the cheap telephoto lens in the case unless I have more than average lighting.


25 Jan 2004 Gallery

I got some shots this weekend of the outdoors. I went to Dawes Arboretum and took some shots of things in the snow. A friend wanted to wait till sunset and we ran into some deer while waiting. He got off some shots with his digital and I fumbled to get the telephoto lens together for a shot. I twisted the aperture until I seen the meter go above 60, focused, and hoped for the best. I'm anxious to see how they did. It was pretty exciting to get the shot.

The sunset pictures came out really nice against the icy pond and snow. Glad we got the opportunity.

Sunday I took a few shots of the kids sled riding. My kids weren't ready to get serious speed up, so no good shots of them in the air yet. I tried to get a few of other people doing it though.


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